Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm a guy with thick hair, and i was wondering...What are some good hairstyles for men like me? ?

What would be some great hairstyles that would fit with my thick hair. I find it diffifuclt finding sumthing i like

Im the guy whose more into spikey hair type things,....

You think the fauxhawk look good with thick hair?

Please give me some links to pictures...I'm a guy with thick hair, and i was wondering...What are some good hairstyles for men like me? ?
anything most likely will be fine,

just make sure you get your hair texturized. that is the key!

texturizing will take away the thickness and it was look wispy I'm a guy with thick hair, and i was wondering...What are some good hairstyles for men like me? ?
just ask your hair dresser to give you a hair style that is texturized. the hair dresser has certain scissors or a certain blade (just depending on what is most comfortable for them to use, essentially they are the same thing) and they should use it at the end of your hair cut to make the wispy look

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fauxhawks are retarded i would just spike the hair
bald, jk.....spike it up

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